*All information on this page taken from and*

Main Characters in the Transformers Franchise

Optimus Prime

Picture of G1 Optimus Prime

Optimus Prime (formerly Orion Pax) is constantly, if not always depicted as having strong moral character, excellent leadership, and sound decision-making skills, and possesses brilliant military tactics, powerful martial arts, and advanced extraterrestrial weaponry. Optimus Prime has a strong sense of honor and justice, being dedicated to building peaceful and mutually beneficial co-existence with humans, the protection of life and liberty of all sentient species.[2] As the current Matrix of Leadership bearer, Optimus Prime is the de facto leader of the Autobots, a faction of a transforming species of synthetic intelligence from the planet Cybertron. The Autobots are constantly waging civil war against a rival faction of transforming robots called Decepticons. According to Bob Budiansky, co-writer of the Transformers series, Dennis O'Neil was responsible for his name.

Picture of Movie Optimus Prime
Optimus Prime is usually depicted as being a member of an ancient Transformers race called the Dynasty of Primes, often receiving the title "The Last Prime" in many stories, in which he is depicted as being the last of the Primes. In the Transformers: Covenant of Primus, it was established that Optimus Prime was the last born of the original Thirteen Transformers. It was his unique spark and his inspiring reassurance that "All are One" that allowed the Primes to rally and succeed in their battle against the Chaos Bringer Unicron. When tragedy at last ended the era of the Primes and brought forth the new race of lesser descendant Transformers he alone chose to be reborn in the Well of All Sparks as one of them, that he might know them and their needs more completely. All memory of his past life gone, he took the name "Orion Pax" and sought his way like any other robot on the new world becoming Optimus Prime once more when receiving the Matrix of Leadership when Cybertron faced a new enemy in his former friend, Megatron and his army of followers, the Decepticons. This brings a Great War to their planet of Cybertron. Optimus's origins and personality can vary depending on which "universe" he's seen in. This origin is the most consistent between the various incarnations. Further differences are listed in the respective sections below.


Picture of G1 Buumblebee

Bumblebee, designation B-127, is a fictional robot superhero in the many continuities in the Transformers franchise. The character is a member of the Autobot, a group of sentient self-configuring modular extraterrestrial robotic lifeforms. In most versions, Bumblebee is a small—yellow with black stripes—with most of his alternative vehicle modes inspired by several generations of the Chevrolet American muscle cars – with the live-action film versions being a yellow Camaro with black racing stripes. The original vehicle-mode design was based on a classic European Type 1 Volkswagen Beetle.

Picture of Movie Bumblebee
The character is named after the Bumblebee, a black-and-yellow striped bee which inspired his paint scheme. Bumblebee appears in most of the series and later becomes the main protagonist in Transformers: Robots in Disguise, Bumblebee, and Transformers: Cyberverse.


Megatron is a character from the Transformers franchise created by American toy company Hasbro in 1984, based on a design by Japanese toy company Takara. The original Megatron was the leader and warlord of the Decepticons, a fictional faction of sentient self-configuring modular extraterrestrial robotic lifeforms from the planet Cybertron. He serves as nemesis of the Autobot leader Optimus Prime.

Picture of G1 Megatron
Megatron is usually depicted as having risen up from being a lowly worker to become a champion in gladiatorial combat. As a gladiator, he took the legendary name "Megatronus" as his own and would similarly inspire a later villainous character. He became an activist, trying to reform Cybertron's corrupt governing body and end its unfair caste system. He mentored the young Orion Pax, and together they championed the downtrodden and preached that freedom of self-determination was the right of all sentient beings. Orion Pax would later become Optimus Prime and utilize Megatron's teachings against him when he became corrupt.

Picture of Movie Megatron
Megatron could transform into three different types of guns: a Walther P38 handgun, a particle beam cannon, and a telescopic laser cannon. He has the ability to transform between his robot shape and various weapons or vehicles, but these "alternate-modes", his origins and even personality, can vary depending on which "universe" he's depicted in. This origin is considered the most consistent between the various incarnations. Further differences are listed in the respective sections below.


Starscream is a fictional character in the many continuities in the Transformers franchise. He is one of the most frequently occurring characters in the Transformers fictional work, appearing in almost all continuities of the Transformers franchise. A graduate of the Cybertron War Academy, Starscream is a deadly high-ranking Decepticon who turns into a jet fighter, and Megatron's second-in-command as the leader of the Seekers.

Picture of G1 Startscream Picture of Movie Starscream Starscream has the ambition to overthrow Megatron as the Decepticons' leader. He has controlled the Decepticons at times, but he usually suffers defeat. Starscream is ruthless, cruel, and more intelligent than average Decepticons, but also, unlikely to act directly on his aspirations without first securing conditions favorable to his ascension. He considers himself vastly superior to other Decepticons and finds Megatron contemptible for his antiquated military strategies and tactics.


Picture of G1 Soundwave

Soundwave is the name of a fictional character appearing in the various Transformers continuities in the Transformers robot superhero franchise. His most well-known transformation is that of a microcassette recorder. Throughout most of his incarnations, he is an undying loyal lieutenant of the Decepticon leader Megatron. He is Megatron's eyes and ears and, in some interpretations, only speaks when mocking the Autobots.

Picture of Movie Soundwave
Soundwave is physically strong compared to most Transformers. In his most iconic form, his alternative mode is that of an Earthly microcassette deck. Within the tape compartment, which becomes his chest in robot mode, he stores a variety of Decepticon spies, all of which take the alternative form of a microcassette. These spy characters include Ravage, Laserbeak, Buzzsaw, Ratbat, Rumble, Frenzy, Slugfest, and Overkill, all of whom are under Soundwave's command in the original television series.


Picture of G1 Grimlock Picture of Movie Grimlock

Grimlock is the name of several fictional robot characters in the Transformers robot franchise. He is usually portrayed as the immensely strong, power-mongering leader of the Dinobots, a small subfaction of Autobots that transform into dinosaurs. In 2007, USA Today polled people as to which Transformer they want to appear in the second installment in the Transformers film series; Grimlock came in tied for second with Devastator.


Picture of G1 Shockwave Picture of Movie Shockwave

Shockwave is the name of several fictional characters in the Transformers robot superhero franchise. Throughout his incarnations, he is usually distinguished by a laser cannon instead of one of his hands and his distinctive face, which is featureless save for a single robotic eye. He is also commonly portrayed as a cold, emotionless Decepticon that serves as Megatron's "mad scientist".


Picture of G1 Ironhide Picture of Movie Ironhide

Ironhide is a fictional robot superhero character in the Transformers robot superhero franchise. According to the original creator of the Transformers names, Bob Budiansky, Ironhide was named after the television series Ironside. He is a strong and toughened old Autobot warrior who has seen his fair share of battle.


Picture of G1 Ratchet
Picture of G1 Ratchet

Ratchet is a fictional robot superhero character in the Transformers robot superhero franchise. According to the original creator of the Transformers names, Bob Budiansky, Ratchet was named after the character of Nurse Ratched from the film One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. The name Ratchet is almost always portrayed as an Autobot physician and pacificist combat medic who turns into an ambulance. Ratchet is sometimes referred to by the trademarked names "Autobot Ratchet" or "Rescue Ratchet."


Picture of G1 Devastator
Picture of Movie Devastator

Devastator is a huge decepticon who is made up of numerous smaller robots who turn into contruction vehicles. In the G1 cartoon, the members of the "constructions" consister of Scrapper, Hook, Bonecrusher, Long Haul, Scavenger, and Rampage. Other continuities have changed the members of the constructicon team, but the overall theme of robots combining to form a huge, massively strong giant is consistent.


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